The Anomalist Radio Network
About Us
Founded by Justin Villarreal and Dak Knomadd in 2012 on Blogtalkradio, The Anomalist Radio Network is a Diverse Listening Experience by a collective of individuals with various interests & hobbies. Who decided to share them across the podcast frequency. It's as simple as that.
Tuning in, you get the chance to listen to Man-Children rant and rave about their favorite comic book film adaptions, Opinions on the Gaming Industry, Paranormal and Philosophical Discussions, and a playlist of some Goodvibes you can grove to. You'll find that our schedules are not always constant, but we do our best to please and update.
If you are interested in joining our network and or have a band and would like for us to share your music, please contact us You can also find us on twitter
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